My Mission
By this blog i like to introduce myself. My name is Barbara de Simone.
"My greatest motivation is to help others feel better. It is a privilege to accompany patients in their healing process, teaching them to be participants in their healing, addressing the pathology from a comprehensive point of view, respecting Western treatment, and accompanying it with different complementary techniques. Applying a protocol based on TCM and relying on techniques of physical and emotional help, I access the root that is causing discomfort and in this way we move towards recovery.
And I like to introduce Mediterranean and European medical herbs into my healing process, based on the solid principles of the Asian phytotherapy. We have an incredible, sustainable and organic production of healing plants, right in our geographic area, and they represent an extraordinary source of health and well-being.”
My Curriculum
Degree in TCM by the European TCM Foundation.
Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine Academie Nederland.
Official member of NVA (Netherlands Association of Acupuncturists)
Master in craneal, facial and abdominal acupuncture.
Master in Auriculotherapy.
Training at the Hu Guo Si Hospital and An Mo Hospital, Beijing.
Member of the European Practitioner's Register Association (association of acupuncturists and Chinese medicine professionals).
Member of PEFOTS (Pan European Federation Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Societies).
University Degree in International Political Sciences at the Alma Mater of Bologna (Italia).
Speaking fluently Italian, English and Spanish.
